Condolences Committee
This committee is responsible for sending notices and cards for the sick and families of deceased Ushers by order of the State President.
Credentials Committee
This committee, appointed before the Annual State Convention and Annual Mid-Year Conference, shall examine all credentials from the delegates in attendance and report the same to the body.
Filmore F. Gregory Men’s Fellowship Committee
This committee was formed to encourage greater participation of males as Ushers, increase their attendance, and find areas of common interest when the men come together. The Committee also serves as a vehicle for these men to serve as mentors to the Young Adult and Junior Ushers. Additionally, it provides an avenue for the men to fellowship with these young male Ushers in group settings, thereby serving as role models for them.
Historical Society Committee
This committee shall prepare a history of the highlights of the Association and present the same for adoption to the body. After which, it shall be recorded in a permanently bound book and turned over to the Board of Directors Chairperson at the end of the Annual State Convention.
Hospitality Committee
This committee shall perform hospitable duties as deemed appropriate and shall serve at State functions in making sure that appropriate courtesy is extended to those in attendance.
King and Queen Pageant Committee
It is the purpose of this committee to raise funds through a pageant to support the State in meeting their financial obligations and expenses. Half of the money raised by the participants, if over $200.00, is returned to them. The balance of the money is turned over to the State Treasury.
Memorial Committee
This committee shall arrange a program for the Tri-Annual Memorial Service of our deceased Ushers, which convenes on the second Sunday in April according to the Eastern Region schedule.
Nominating Committee
This committee shall be elected at the Annual State Convention. Each District shall be represented by no more than two members. The State President shall appoint the chairperson. The duties shall be to seek out qualified individuals to fill elected positions. The report should be sent to the State President, the Board of Directors Chairperson, and the District Presidents at least (30) days in advance of the Annual State Convention. The committee shall present a proposed slate of officers to the body at the Annual State Convention.
Past Officers Committee
This committee is comprised of a group of Ushers who have served the Association previously as elected officers. Their duty is to evaluate all functions of the Association and prepare a report with recommendations for improvement.
Scholarship Committee
This committee shall publicize the availability of funds and receive applications from high school graduate students who have been accepted to institutions of higher education and first year college students. This committee shall review applications, apply for matching funds from the National Foundation, provide recommendations, and make awards to eligible students from the J. W. Abernathy Scholarship Funds. This committee shall also provide scholarship awards to the winners of the annual education department competitions.
Transportation Committee
This committee shall plan all transportation as required by the State to attend various State, Eastern Region, and National functions. A detailed report containing contractual agreements, names, addresses, telephone numbers of travel agents, traveler’s names, money received, and proposed itineraries must be provided to the Financial Secretary prior to the request for or exchange of funds from the State treasury.
Special Committees
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
This committee is a special or ad-hoc committee appointed on an as needed basis. This committee shall receive all Constitution and Bylaws recommendations to be reviewed for consideration at the seat of the Annual Convention. They shall draft such as deemed necessary for the good of the Association and shall present the same with its recommendations. All Bylaws to be considered at the seat of the Annual State Convention should be presented to the State President and Board of Directors 30 days prior to the seat of the Annual State Convention.
Election Committee
This committee shall be appointed by the State President at the seat of the Annual State Convention. Based on the report of the Nominating Committee and the results of the nominations taken from the floor for election of officers, the Election Committee will meet on the first day of the Annual State Convention to prepare printed election ballots. Upon completion (which should be as soon as possible on the same day), the Election Committee will notify the Convention when polls will be open. This committee shall also be responsible for distributing to each registered delegate in attendance at the Annual State Convention an election ballot for voting at the Annual State Convention.