Young Adult Department
The purpose of this department is to interact and channel information and ideas with other Young Adult Departments to promote the growth and support of the State of Virginia. It is comprised of Young Adult Ushers between the ages of 21 – 35.
Junior and Young People’s Department
The purpose of the department is to interact and channel information and ideas with other State Junior and Young People’s Departments to promote the growth and support of the State of Virginia. It is comprised of Junior Ushers between the ages of 8 – 21.
A. W. Briggs Health Department
This department is responsible for first aid at the seat of the Annual State Convention and at any other time as needed. All members shall have completed appropriate training and have a current Red Cross Certificate.
Allan A. C. Griffith, Sr. Education Department
This department shall encourage and prepare high school and college students who meet the basic requirements to participate in the State, Region, and National Education competitions in the areas of oration, music – instrumental, music – vocal, and spelling bee. The members shall be responsible for building the Penny Bucket fund for competition in the National Penny Bucket Contest.
Alma C. Hawkins Public Relations Department
This department shall be empowered to publicize all information for the benefit of the Association that it may help stimulate interest in Christian fellowship. This department shall also be empowered to promote knowledge relative to the aims, objectives, and goals of the organization through the media.
Alumni Department
This department shall have a Chairperson who is a graduate of the Kensey M. Lewis School of Ushering Department and holds proper credentials showing completion of all phases of Ushering. It shall be the duty of this department to provide assistance in ushering at all State events.
Evelyn S. Townes Arts and Crafts Department
This department shall determine talents and solicit various works of arts and crafts from committee and Association members for presentation and sale throughout the year and at the Annual State Convention.
Helen B. Hornbuckle Doorkeeper Department
This department shall collect and compile information from the various Districts and Church Usher Boards/Ministries to be submitted to the National Helen B. Hornbuckle Doorkeeper Chairperson. This information will be published in the quarterly “Helen B. Hornbuckle Doorkeeper” magazine.
Isaac N. Nelson Music Department
The department shall be responsible for music for all State functions in coordination with the various State Committee and Department Chairpersons. He/She shall support selected musicians, accompany the chorus on engagements, or see that a qualified substitute is obtained. The members shall be composed of Ushers or Associate Members who will be willing to sing for the ICUA of Virginia, Inc. at its own memorial service and at the various memorial services along the Eastern Region (traveling at their own expense), and upon invitation for other events as desired. The ICUA of Virginia, Inc. shall pay a salary agreeable with the musician and Association. The ICUA of Virginia, Inc. shall bear the full expense of travel and lodging for the musician or substitute.
Kensey M. Lewis School of Ushering Department
This department strives to unify Church ushering as set apart in the National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc. School of Ushering Manual. The State Chairperson(s) and certified Instructors for this department shall conduct classes and workshops from time to time during the year. Certificates of award for satisfactorily completing the School of Ushering shall be presented at the Kensey M. Lewis School of Ushering Graduation. This department shall also prepare teams for competition at the National Convention.
Lawrence A. Wright Outreach Department
This department seeks out less fortunate individuals and families and contributes to the quality of their lives through various means of support and donations.
William H. Davis Honor Club Department
This department perpetuates the name of William H. Davis who served the National for over 25 years. It shall be the duty of this department to recommend and submit the names of all Ushers who have attended and served the National for 15 years or more to the State for honor recognition. The Ushers shall also be recognized for encouraging growth in the Association. The State shall submit the names of the Ushers to the National for honor recognition.
Willie J. Minnifield Training and Development Department
This department shall prepare and conduct sessions, activities and/or classes which promote the growth and understanding among members as it relates to the Association and other significant issues.